Monday, August 04, 2008


I am realizing that I am way too dependant on coffee. I can't even function with out it. My first sip of the morning just makes me feel normal...soothing even. If I am home on the weekend, and don't have coffee, I just fall asleep with little to no motivation to do anything.....I think I might have a problem?

1 comment:

Desiree Michelle said...

i hear ya.
i stopped drinking coffee for like a week and a half after NY.
now i only drink it occasionally, and it's more enjoyable. i also starting drinking tea every morning. India Chai Spice to be exact :) you just have to cut yourself off for a week or so to re-set yourself... but definitely start on a weekend so you can sleep as much as you want, lol.

i miss you. a lot. will you come visit me?