Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Babies Everywhere

It seems like lately all I hear about is babies....don't get me wrong babies are a blessing from God. But every day, I hear about another person either having a baby or being pregnant. It's enough to make anyone stop and take notice (and realize you don't have one).

Michael and I have not even been married 10 months. So no.... we are not having a baby any time soon. But I am hit with the reality that I will be 31 this year and Michael will be 33. All this baby excitement can go to my head, or should I say heart, more quickly than I would like. With all these new babies around, the benefit is that I can hold, snuggle, love, and spoil these children and then give them back.

We are going to be babysitting for the Fogas's on Saturday so I will be getting my baby fix and like I mentioned....then giving her back. One day we'll have our own and I have to be honest, I hoping it sooner than later. I am starting to get "baby fever" but then again - I don't like getting left out of all this excitment. One thing I know for sure, I have a deep desire and longing to be a mother. And one way or another, sooner or later - God will honor that desire IN HIS PERFECT TIMING.

1 comment:

Beth Sinak said...

Baby fever isn't so bad :)