Monday, March 17, 2008

Cat gone wild....

So I realized in looking at my blog - I forgot to share with you what happend with my cat at the vet a week or so ago (overshaddowed by frustrating day). I am usually one of those proud pet parents who brags about my furkids. My dog is well behaved, loves the vet and is usually great with other dogs. I have referred to my cat as being more like a dog than a cat. He comes when he's called. The minute you come home he is waiting by the door. He is always giving you his belly to rub. He follows me around and will lay by me. And He loves company. You're thinking ... I don't like cats but maybe I'd like yours (I mean look at how cute he is in his picture to the left)..... yeah and then....

We went to the vet. I now know how those women in the grocery store feel as their child is having a knock down all out fit with zero control. And they just want to hide or leave the store as soon as possible. I have been a bad cat parent. I have had Leo for 2 years and since he's never had contact with any other cat or the outside world - I didn't feel a huge rush to take him to the vet. He's been increasingly interested in the outside - especially with the outside (stray) cats who have been spraying my back door. So .... with this crazy meowing .... at all hours of the night and his recent spraying (as to graffiti my door back to send a message to the cats outside), I have decided that it's time to loose his manhood and become a respectable cat.

Now remember ... My cat is the cool cat. Forgetting how tramatized my cat was when I put him in his carrier when I moved, I put him in his carrier hoping for the best. HE WAS FUMING MAD! He chilled out a little when we entered the vet. I think he was in a state of shock.

We get called into the room and I am starting to think this is not going to be fun or easy. The dog got weighed... fine needs to loose 5 lbs. The Vet tech takes Leo right out of his cage no problem.....this is weird. She weighs him and allows him to wander around the office until the doctor comes in to give him his shots. I don't know what happened in the 5 minutes after that but Leo FREAKED OUT..... I don't know if it was all the smells... or a message left on the wall in smells warning all other cats.... but the Doctor came in and Michael went to pick Leo up and HE FREAKED OUT.
Hissing and jumping at least 4 feet into the air.... I was like WHOA.....He became ninja kitty. The vet tech decided she was going to pick him up using a towel - not gloves as my husband (former vet school student) suggested to me would have protected her from what's about to happen. She proceeds to get Leo by the head.... a kitty head lock.... oh yeah... and Leo is more mad than before... he jumps (leaps backwards) out of the head lock and his anger is even more elevated. Now at this point I am sitting in the corner with Chewy, my dog, on a leash trying to calm him since he's getting really upset at the idea that there are 3 humans trying to torture his cat. He gets all jumpy and we're asked to leave....At this point I felt like a failure as a pet parent and that his behavior was a direct correlation to my pet owning skills. I start justifying his behavior to everyone, "He's not like this at home. I have never seen him react this way." Meanwhile, my husband is blocking the cat from hiding under things in the office, the vet tech still has her towel of captivity, and now the vet has went into the back to retreive the secret weapon.......... a Fishing Net. They were able to finally scoop Leo up into the net put him on the table get him his shots before SHOVING him into his carrier. Oh yeah, ...... in the process he bit the vet tech. Those gloves would have come in handy there. Now Leo has a mark on his permanent record [[[[[[WARNING: BAD TEMPERED CAT/ PROCEED WITH CAUTION]]]]] I felt so ashamed.
He's not like that at home is the only thing I could do, accompanied by "I am sorry" to everyone who worked there. The doctor decided that we would in fact not need another round of shots before his neuter and that they would just administer the shots while he was knocked out while the procedure was going on. I think that's best for all parties involved.

His manhood removal will be happening on the 27th at 7am and then carpets, walls and doors will be thoroughly cleaned. I hope everyone walks away from this with as little trama as possible.

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