Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Moving in the right direction - Finally

So today I started working out with a trainer. She and I will be meeting once a week for personally inflicted pain. Today was my first ...get to know you, let me tell you how bad you're off meeting. She told me that I have a "black girl bootie beginning"....Curved back w/ big butt term (it must be a technical trainer term - who knew?).

I know I have hired her, and she's there to help me but I felt judged by her during our session. I know it's only in my head - but I felt shame in working out with her. I know that I have done the hardest part - getting started. But, I some how felt weak in needing help. A topic I know I will explore in counseling this week.

But as for me, I'll be watching the Biggest Loser tonight and I will at the gym tomorrow.

1 comment:

World Citizen said...

FIRE HER. Not sure if you did but a relationship with your trainer is important. Not a good sign if you are starting out feeling uncomfortable