Community is a deeper level of resposiblity than friendship. We were never meant to be on our own but to live in community. A group of people who will share your highs and lows and be with you throughout. This community has a love not from choice but from GOD, which makes it's motivation from a pure love void of selfish motives. I have expereinced that community through my work and my small group. I have people for the first time who don't try and fix me but sit with me in my misery. They don't tell me to get over it, but they love me through it. Thank you. Thank you also that when you give me the response, "I'll be praying for you" I know that you are because you inquire about it later and you invest in my life.
Thank you for those who know that Life SUCKS! and it's not fair and they can say that w/ out spiritualizing my struggle. I know about grace, mercy and God's providence but I am hurting right now and I don't need the church answer I need the community answer which comes from love and sharing each other's burdens.
I got flowers yesterday and today. It doesn't seem like much but it meant the world to me. I got a call from a friend yesterday that made me cry because she was crying for me in my situation. She said, "it's not fair, it sucks but if you want to just come over ... I am here for you! Even if all you want to do is cry." This is community .... people who are ok with the ugliness of life and don't hide it, swept it under a rug or pretty it up.
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.-- Albert Camus
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