Thursday, May 03, 2007

30 Days to go......

For those who don't know our story...Check it out here:

Thank you for all those who have been praying for us during this very stressful time. I have one more class to go. After May 8th, I am done with the semester. I am taking the summer off to get use to being a "wife" - - - whoa that's weird to say. I am still tripping over the fact that my name will change...I will be Carin Schindler.... still weird. I've been told I will get used to it.

I am at the point of "ahhhhhhh" about every 5 seconds. I can't believe how much we have to do and I am having a relatively simple wedding. So much to do and so little time.

In this time of Craziness... I would like to share how we've been blessed during the past weeks:
1. My mom and sisters visited from out of town for my wedding shower and they saw my dress for the first time. They cried... and guess what the dress I ordered 2 sizes smaller not only fits but zipped perfectly. The bra even worked ... I guess the $90 was worth it.
2. Oh did I mention the dress FITS!!!!
3. We've had 3 showers that have refurnished our entire kitchen with all new cooking necessities.
4. I am almost done paying "bills" from the wedding.
5. Michael and I get to go on a "FUN" date on Saturday. We're going to the Card's game (if it doesn't rain).
6. My sister did a mock of the centerpeices for reception - it was wonderful!!! - Thanks Kelly (a very talented florist)
7. Our house flooding issue is being taken care of - YEAH
8. Chewy (my Dog) is now sporting his summer hairdo - the funny thing is ... I feel like I need to put some pants on him... he's a little naked for a dog.... LOL

So many more blessings ... I could go on for days... but I will leave them for another entry. Plus I have to get back to work....

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