Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TRUSTING GOD.....even with our finances...

During Michael and I's relationship we have been tested in a big and small ways. We have leaned on God through it all, especially when we, with only our human perspective, couldn't see past the problem to the solution or even have a thought at how powerful, creative and good our God is that we serve. I think in times of trial and suffering we make God so small, that we feel hopeless, instead of understanding that we serve a God that made the universe and if I "need" a new car, engine, honeymoon, etc - He will make sure I get it in His perfect timing. Oh by the way... that timing thing is totally not based on your comfort level, or instant gratification - unfortunately.

Satan knows our panic button and it is on the topic of transportation (our cars) and money. And when he pushes both of them at the same time - our panic mode goes on. During our time getting ready for the wedding, my car went to peices. It went from an oil change to needing an entirely new engine. That means a variance of $30 to $2500 + the engine. What happened? We sacrificed the wedding money saved for our honeymoon and paid the bill in addition to what our church donated to us. So by being obedient and paying for what needed to get done - God didn't say that money was for a honeymoon, I did. But he had other ways to bless us. My father, Alex, paid for our entire honeymoon as a wedding gift - how amazing it is to see God's hand through the love of a family member. It was a GIFT FROM GOD!

So today, we found out that Michael's car has finally hit a point where we have to make a decision - 1)Scrap the car and use only mine - when his is working but the transmission is having problems or 2)sink $2500 into his car to get it up to snuff to pass inspection or 3)walk out on some major faith and buy a new car. Or there might be another option that God will provide that we can't even see right now. Michael and I deal with financial problems very differently - I have never had money... so I live by FAITH ALONE and I am able to rest in God after a mild freak out session. Michael is used to his security and savings and having extra. He is having a hard time realizing that GOD will work this out - like all men - he wants to fix it, but feels helpless. So I am adding some things I found online that brought me comfort. And I ask you to join us in praying for God's provision and direction in this sticky situation. Please also pray for peace and unity for Michael and I.

This is an insert from "What Does Trusting God Mean? " by Daniel N. Brown

"If you love God, then remember that He is in the midst of your circumstances and He has everything under control. When things don’t seem to be working out the way we think they should, remember, God said in Isaiah 55:8-9, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than yours.
We are told in Proverbs 3:5 to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” So, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:2-4).
God has got a plan and trusting Him is knowing that no matter what happens, He will bring good out of it. Romans 8:28 says, "God works all things together for the good of those who love him."
You are meant to be free of stress, reasoning, worry and everything else that can weigh you down. So, if you have been concerned about things to the point where it has stolen your joy, remember, Jesus said in Matthew 6:25, “Take no thought for your life.”
Sometimes, we are to just take our hands off of things and let God take care of them. Let Him do what only He can do and not worry about the outcome. He has our best interest in mind and has a wonderful plan for each or us (Jeremiah 29:11).
It's very reassuring to remember what God says about you, and what He says about Himself, whenever you may be going through a trying situation.
He says, "I am your Shepherd, I care for you, and My name is 'I Am' " and “I will keep you in perfect peace because your mind is stayed on Me, because you trust in Me” (Isaiah 26:3).
If you can truly believe with all of your heart and confess, "God, I take no thought for my life, I am anxious for nothing, and I am still, and know that You are God," then you will experience that perfect peace He is talking about. "

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