Friday, July 13, 2007

What did we do different?

So.... since Michael now lives with me, we have unlimited time together. It is so nice to come home and he's there. But prior to our wedding with wedding details, class, work, youth group and any other thing I threw on my plate, we only saw each other two maybe three times a week (and that included Youth group). We made the most of our time together and were always watching the clock since we had a curfew of 10:00pm. We went on dates, hung out, and spent time with friends. Nothing exciting but it was something and we did it together.
As I was sitting on the couch yesterday with Michael upstairs studying , I had a thought pop into my head, "I am really boring." My days consist of work, dinner, clean the house and then ....... can you hear the crickets..... Bed. I know that Michael and I have more time together so it can't be all exciting all the time but we are at a loss of things to do with all this time, since we're trying to buy a house in the next 2 years... we're trying to be frugal. Oh, and when you get home after a full day of work .... cook a meal and then clean up... I am not left with a lot of energy to go have some great adventure.

So did I get boring or are we just settling in before the storm. The store being the madness that is me back in school, taking 6 hours plus work plus.... you get the gist. Or is this how all married couples are who don't live together first?
I think my ADD doesn't know what to do with this relaxed way of life. I am used to being on the go 24/7. And I have some breathing room and I feel like I should be doing something ... but there's nothing coming to mind.

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