Tuesday, July 10, 2007


"The Strong-Willed Wife" by Dr. Debbie Cherry

I know those of you who know me are laughing at that I am reading this book. But believe it or not, I bought this on my own. No - it wasn't a gift or a recommendation by my husband. I have always been strong willed - almost out of necessity growing up. But I as I was confronted with the difficulties with sharing, giving control over to Michael - when I had been doing it all for so long, I realized the only way to honor God with my marriage was to learn how to work my personality into the marriage instead of trying to change everything about me, but I did need to change my perspective on things and do it God's way.

I "HIGHLY" recommend this book to any woman who feels that she will never fit the image of the "perfect Christian woman" (married or single) because God/ and life has made her too strong. God makes strong women but He has some things to teach us about our strength and the author illustrates this through scripture, grace and lots of humor.

*Below is the book description by the publisher:
In today's world, the Bible's design for marriage is under constant attack.
It seems that women receive two very different messages: The church teaches submission to all God-given authority, while our culture encourages independence from anyone or anything. And while the idea of submission is tough for any woman to accept, it can be even more difficult for those with strong personalities. All of this can leave many wondering if submission in marriage is even relevant to today's woman.

Author Debbie L. Cherry believes that authority is still essential to a healthy, vibrant marriage. Join Debbie as she takes an honest look at one of the Bible's most misunderstood teachings. By tackling the common concerns and misconceptions that distort the truth, Dr. Cherry presents the scriptural concept of authority and how it's designed to be a vital part of a loving, secure relationship. You'll discover freedom in letting your husband lead, because submission doesn't mean denying who you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new look!